I like to read and write about make money doing nothing ways and ideas. Because money ideas are great, fresh and unique and most of them really works! Learned a lot and made a pretty good amount with certain number of techniques mentioned there. I am not sure, but since I started in less than Year I think that making money from home is absolutely easy task for everyone who want to use brain. So visit link and if You didn't know read those few make money doing nothing solutions.
Update: (own resources)
After 3 years of successful blogging about making money doing nothing, and lot of great readers who like and respect my opinion I can offer you small table of content of important posts on my blog for easy reading and learning in this topic:
2 - Various Ways to make money from nothing (real examples)
3 - Creative ideas to make money doing nothing (ideas info)
4 - Get rich quick (potential steps in making online fortune)
5 - Make easy money with blogs (starter guide)
6 - How to invest nothing and make money online (study)